Went to Becky's yesterday (still here), got drunk last night, watched some Axis Powers Hetalia (ohhh, Italia, what a character, what a character), downloaded some Soul Eater (Pwahahahha Excalibur is the coolest), made Thomson listen to a bunch of my music (ahaha I was drunk...) then I went to bed, then I woke up, ate pizza, drank too much orange juice, and me and Becky talked for a while then went outside and did nothing because it was nice out.
I changed my desktop from my picture of Bonten as a kid to a picture of Shino. Because I couldn't find a decent background image of grown-up Bonten. ;_; and Shino makes me feel betters. But it's not timeskip-Shino, so he's not as badass looking, but... ah well... I love Shino no matter what age he is (GOD I FEEL LIKE A PEDO. ;_;)

But yeah just thought I'd ramble to give Jess to read. So here you gooooo~
PS Wellington concert tomorrow. w00t.

Yay personalized blogging! :P lol.
And a week later I comment! How great is that?
I am wondering did you drag Thomson to this party?
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