"This news shocked me too when my brain first reported it."
- Myself

Friday, September 11, 2009


Last night was aweeeeesome, Graffiti pub ftw, except when Kale (guy I know) found out that I wouldn't let anyone sign my upper-torso-female-parts, he asked me why, I told him that I'm not a whore and all that jazz, and he goes "Oh, so the chances of me taking you back to my room tonight are pretty slim?" OH YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE GLARE I GAVE HIM. And I told him there was no chance. At all. Not even a slim one. ...Then he had the nerve to ask what his chances of "bringing Annemarie back" were. I told him just as non-existant. Ahahahaha.

And then I was bored so I was trying to start a fight with Jason. But each time I kicked him he'd either hug me or touch my butt. D; displeased Bacon was displeased. I soon discovered that if I didn't try to kick him, he didn't sexually assault me. I still haven't decided if that was a worthwhile sacrifice or not yet. Because I really, really like kicking him.

I love shooting people down. ;D

But anywhoooo, back to the good news thing.

Last night's partying and beer cured my weird anxiety. As did the fundip I had for lunch! :D Yaaaay fun dip!

So anyways, I'm going home in a half-hour or so, and I'm hoping to record some voice clips when I get back.

As for Trav's suggestion on making my own flash animations, I'll have to think about it. I've got a work-heavy semester and with this side-stuff of doing fanimations for the Naruto Uncut Fandub, as well as the audio mixing, I might have not much time, at least, not yet. ^^ But if I think of anything good I'll get to it. Hurrrrr.


freethephoenix said...

That was a great shooting guys down story. :) hahahaha

I like the comic at the end! What one is that from??

Kuroari said...

Haha, I'm glad YOU enjoyed it. >=|

...It's from Princess Princess. But the character with the bucket on his head is from Day of Revolution, and the one talking is from Family Complex.