"This news shocked me too when my brain first reported it."
- Myself

Monday, November 2, 2009

KAY, SO, UM, names.

Think I might have some names for some of my characters.

Main cast
Female lead - Linaria Mailisane (Linaria = plant genus lol.)
Male lead - Jathe Thein (subject to change.)
Thief person thing - Asada "Sedge" Elik
Golem person thing - Rea
Villain - Rythen Bein
Villain's underling or w/e - Taraxa Ixil (Taxara = plant genus again, lol)

Linaria's parentals - Orin Mailisane (father), Milena Mailisane (mother)
Jathe's family - Rath (mother), Enoe Thein (father), Sihn (half-sister)
Rythen's family - Lerin Bein (father), Ieli Bein (brother)

THAT'S RIGHT FUCKING LAST NAMES. Grrr. It bothers me how often I DON'T give my novel characters last names. D=< In Bounds of Mortality, Xhai'agh was the only one with a last name. And Xhai'agh wasn't even the characters real name, and the novel never covered (rather, was never planned to cover) the part where you do find out teh real name! (Which was Illiv'nitra Auvry'ath, btw). The NaNo novel I finished a few years ago, that had EIGHT main characters, only had one character - out of all 20 or so - that had a last name, and it wasn't even a real last name. In my steampunk story, only Fr. Blake Krandt and Aerron Hull had last names. Angelina got one later on, because SHE MARRIED AERRON. Gawsh. Tch. I'm so full of fail.

BTW, I'm cheating and using a name generator to help me. DX I'm not using the names right off it, I'm mashing them up a little, but I'm mostly looking for a feel or sound or look. Or something. I dunno.

Next blog post will have a run down of genders, species, ages, etc.

For now, I lunch break, then I'll get writing, then I'll go to class! Huttah!

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