I've got a few things left to colour.
a) Jimmie's goggles
b) Background
c) Jimmie's hair tie... thing. Don't know which colour D: any suggestions?
Here she be so far.

While I'm at posting a picture of Mareka, I just remembered I finished a doll of her that some person on dA (base by Lunar-Hibiki, much props to them) had an awesome base for. PS She's modern in this one, not Steampunk.

I lurvs ur arts! And I suggest black for the hair tie thingy.
Black would be pretty classy.
Whoa wait Trish something is up with her arm/hand resting on his shoulder!
It looks all broken and weird!
Sorry I'm in art criticizing mode!
Trish you were so much better then mee! You really should do something with your art! I can't wait for you to try animation or art fundies!
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